Saturday, January 29, 2011

Rules don't take away freedom...they bring freedom

Today's Readings:
Exodus 20-24
Matthew 19

Today's thoughts will be short. I read through the 10 Commandments today. I will never understand why people hate them so. Well, actually, I do understand, and it makes me sad. God sets up rules and parameters for life. Why??? Because He loves us. God wants us to live freely, joyfully experiencing all He has to offer us. But there are things that stand in our way of experiencing the love and joy found only in God. So God tells us those things that we should avoid so that life might be what He wants it to be... what we it it to be.

God is our father, and like any good father He wants to make sure His children avoid those things that will bring them harm and those things that will bring them pain. But we think we know better. We don't want anyone or anything telling us what to do.That is what makes me sad. It is the reason why some hate the 10 commandments. They see it a affront to their independence. They them as a way to take away their freedom. So they resist...and they end up prisoners of their own destructive behavior.

I love sports. Baseball, football, hockey....and all sports have one thing in common.


Why? Because without rules, the game would be nothing but anarchy. Each trying to play the game the way "they" want it to be played. Each player selfishly looking out for his own interests. A game played this way isn't much fun. Sadly though, this is the way life is being played and we wonder why there is so much sadness.

Many blame God, which I think is extremely humorous. God gave us freedom (because He loves us) and He has shown us how the game of life should be played and then we get mad at Him when we decide to play the game "our way" and things don't work out.

I think of the rich young ruler found in Matthew 19 (You may want to read it now.) He wanted life the way it was meant to be. He longed for it. He had two problems though. First, he thought he had always played life the right fouls. Well, he was wrong but Jesus doesn't turn him away. He tells this young man what he must do

"If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

He was saying to the man "You want life the way I designed it to be then you have to make life no longer all about you." The rich young man couldn't do this...and he walked away sad.

God has given us the way to live, and it is quite simple...not easy, but simple. And we have rejected it. We have rejected His peace, His joy, His freedom, and His love....

...and then we wonder why we are trapped in such an evil world. Well, we brought it on ourselves.

Rules don't take away freedom, they give freedom.

Time to take out my rulebook I guess and learn to play the game the right way

could be fun :-)

Tomorrow's Readings:
Exodus 25-26
Matthew 20

1 comment:

  1. I'm not that into sports. However, your analogy is sound. I hope you don't mind me commenting. :)

