Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Who do you say I am??

Today's Readings:
Genesis 12-15
Matthew 16-17

Have I mentioned yet how much I love what I am doing this year??? Each day brings new insight, new truth (well, not's really old truth, eternal in fact...what I mean is something new to think about that is true.) Forget McDonald's cause I am loving this!!

Matthew 16 is chalked full of things that make you go "hhhmmmmm." So much to think about. “Watch out!” Jesus warned them. “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” (Matthew 16:6) That's a weird statement. Were the Pharisees and and Sadducees making bad bread at the time and trying to sell the ingredients to unsuspecting chefs??? (Why I am suddenly thinking about the movie I saw about Woodstock??) No, this is simply a warning that just like how yeast can start so small and grow in to something large we are to watch out for false teaching. Even the tiniest lie can turn ultimately destructive. Truth need not be tainted so we are to be careful about the thoughts we allow to enter our hearts and minds.

We also find the disciples arguing as well in this chapter (a common occurrence I am afraid) and Jesus calls them out once again for their lack of faith. "Don’t you remember the 5,000 I fed with five loaves, and the baskets of leftovers you picked up?" (Matthew 16:9) Apparently they didn't.

In Matthew 16:18 We see Jesus changing Simon's name to Peter (which means rock). God does this quite often. He changes people's names throughout scripture. It is most often seen when God wishes to change a person's identity to something new. Simon is no longer who he was when Jesus met him and by now calling him Peter he is identifying him with the new person he has become (or is becoming.)

In Matthew 16:23 We see Peter (yep, same guy) disagreeing with Jesus when Jesus says He would be killed. "This will never happen to you" Peter says...

and how does Jesus respond you ask????

"Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.” (Matthew 16:23)

Viewing life from a human point of view, not from God's. I just did a 5 week series on seeing the world through God's eyes. "If we could see the world as God does we would do what He says." was the main point of the series and Romans 12:1-2 played a big roll (go ahead and read it :-) I love the idea of viewing life from God's perspective.

Which brings me to my point. "What Erin?!?! You haven't even begun to make your point yet?!?!?!" I just didn't want you to miss out on all the great stuff found in Matthew 16. But Matthew 16:15 may be the single most important question asked in all of scripture. Actually check that. It is the single most important question in life

“But who do you say I am?” is the question Jesus poses to His disciples.

How we answer this single question will determine everything about us. It will determine how we live this life...and it will also determine how we spend eternity.

"Who do you say Jesus is?"

This question is the tipping point of human life. It is the fulcrum upon which everything sits. It is the center piece of life itself. Jesus is either who He claimed to be...or He was a mad-man, not worthy of any praise at all. There is not middle ground. He was either a fool, a liar, a crazy person...or He is the creator of everything. God himself in human form. There are no other choices to be had and how we answer, how we view Jesus determines everything about us. It determines our choices. It determines our words. It effects our thoughts. There is nothing in life that is left unaffected by the answer we give to this simple question.

It is is big deal.

So join me. Read with me about this man we call Jesus and discover for yourself. I know who I say Jesus is. He is my savior, my lord. He is God, the one who made me and died for me on a cross. He holds my life in his hands. Jesus is everything to me and I long to know Him more and more reflect his love and holiness to a world that does not know Him and often does not care.

I know who I say Jesus is...but what about you??

"Who do you say Jesus is?"

how you answer will effect everything.

(P.S. Don't miss Exodus 14. Red Sea parting and all. Then study the Red Sea a bit. Might change how you view this story :-)

Tomorrow's Readings:
Genesis 18-19
Matthew 18:1-20

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