Monday, January 24, 2011

Thoughts from a Saturday in the Mountains

Now that I am back from camp, let me share my thoughts from my Saturday solo time...

"Today I read Matthew 14 and wondered "How many times do I make God small?...How many times a day do I doubt God's power and love for me and when I do how does my ability to reflect God's love suffer?"

Jesus fed 5,000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. How does my lack of faith not allow God to work through me in such a way?

Excuse me for a moment as I hearken back to a scene from my favorite movie "The Empire Strikes Back." Luke's X-Wing was stuck in the mud (it was a big space ship). Luke tried to to lift it out...he couldn't...he thought it was impossible...

...Then Yoda lifted it from the swamp and placed upon dry land. Luke said "I can't believe it" to which Yoda responded "That is why you failed."

How often to have the faith of Luke??

In Matthew 14 the disciples of Jesus were on a boat during the evening and they saw someone walking on the water...and they freaked out. They thought it was a ghost. I would have freaked also. I often think we picture Jesus walking upon a glassy sea, one that is calm and serene. This was not the case.

Jesus told them to be calm, to not be afraid. In a sense he was saying "have faith." Peter called “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.”

Jesus said "come."

...and Peter stepped out onto the water, "But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. “Save me, Lord!” he shouted." (Matthew 14:30)

Jesus grabbed Peter and said “You have so little faith,”...“Why did you doubt me?”

How often do I doubt and think "It's too big."

I want to reflect God's power, His love, His holiness. I want to reflect it to a world that all too often seeks to make Him small.

"I wanna burn bright like a star in the night
fall, fall and surrender it all
sing a while and believe like a child...

...I just wanna be your reflection."

and it takes faith

Tomorrow's Readings:
Genesis 12-13
Matthew 16

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